Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week 9, Tutespark

My chosen essay topic for the assessment is - Question 2. Explain what Creative Commons is and, using examples, show how it is different to other forms of copyright.

The way in which i will begin to research this topic is to define what creative commons is, also define copyright and contrast the two. I would show how it is different from other forms of copyright.

There are a few websites that i have browsed that i will look further into -

  • http://creativecommons.org.au/
  • http://www.smartcopying.edu.au/scw/go/pid/904
  • http://copyright-australia.com/?gclid=COvk-7PomaQCFROnbwodQg9AEw
  • http://www.whenihavetime.com/a-guide-to-copyright-and-creative-commons/
  • http://www.clickandcopyright.com/copyright-resources/copyrights-vs-creative-commons.aspx

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