Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week 9, Tutespark

My chosen essay topic for the assessment is - Question 2. Explain what Creative Commons is and, using examples, show how it is different to other forms of copyright.

The way in which i will begin to research this topic is to define what creative commons is, also define copyright and contrast the two. I would show how it is different from other forms of copyright.

There are a few websites that i have browsed that i will look further into -

  • http://creativecommons.org.au/
  • http://www.smartcopying.edu.au/scw/go/pid/904
  • http://copyright-australia.com/?gclid=COvk-7PomaQCFROnbwodQg9AEw
  • http://www.whenihavetime.com/a-guide-to-copyright-and-creative-commons/
  • http://www.clickandcopyright.com/copyright-resources/copyrights-vs-creative-commons.aspx

Week 9 - Lecture Summary

This week is New Communication Technology in the lecture we talked about cyberpunk and William Gibson.
  • Cyberpunk is online fiction some of the issues that is discusses are, high technology, questionable morality, hybrid genre. There are many authors of cyberpunk on the internet, the one that was discussed in the lecture is William Gibson.
  • William Gibson is American born he received a Bachelor of English. He Has written many cyberpunks including -

    o The Sprawl Trilogy

    o The Bridge Trilogy

    o The Blue Ant Trilogy

  • Cyberpunk fictions are very popular in the virtual community and as published novels

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week 8

Tutespark and tutetask Week *
Fusion of man and machine
An example of cyber-punk fiction that i found online is entitled 'The Girl who was Plugged in" the plot entails:

The story takes place in a future world, where almost everything is controlled by corporate interests. Corporations control consumers through the celebrities they set up, and product placement. The protagonist, P.Burke is enlisted to become one of these celebrities. P.Burke's consciousness is transferred into a perfect body by a computer. The perfect body, also known as Delphi, is controlled by P.Burke's brain, which is still physically located in her original body. After the transformation, Delphi travels the world using products, promoting them to the masses.

The story is told by someone from the future, speaking to a modern person. The narrator addresses the reader as "zombie" and "dead daddy". The book ends with "better believe it zombie, it's a great future out there". This device is intended to make the reader think about the ways one is controlled by what one buys, and how one views celebrities as role models.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Girl_Who_Was_Plugged_In)

An example of current news story that relates to the topic of Fusion of Man and Machine is a news story by (CNN) -- This talks of how by 2020 exciting advances in bio-interfacing will make it possible for a wider range of diseases to be treated electronically

Fusion of Man and Machine - My cyberpunk fiction.

With the discovery of this new technology that will supposedly make it possible to create cures for many diseases, a new threat is born. With the genetic interference of bio-interfacing in human DNA a new breed will be born. This breed will no longer be the human species, yet a mechanical version of the human race. With the treatment of diseases such as Parkinson's a consequence will be that of loss of humanity. The question posed is will the cure of these life threatening diseases be worth the risk of loosing all human aspects of life. A loss of emotion and feeling will result in these bio human breeds. With the development of this technology the risk that is at hand is that the technology will become way to advanced that it could create an immortal human race where the meaning of life itself will become meaningless. The human race will become a body of mindless drones in order to save a few lives we are really compromising the entire human race. What will become of existence when each living individual is no longer an living entity with human feelings and meaning yet a mindeless drone and the world becoming a post-industrial dystopia

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tutorial Task Week Seven

Tute Task Week Seven
1. Creative commons was started in 2003 and is a more relaxed version of copy right where the owner of the content can decide if they will allow there content to be reproduced, copied or sold etc. It promotes reasonlable copyright it is some rights reserved rather than all rights reserved. This aspect of creative commons can be relevant to my experience at university as in my time at uni i will no doubt come across an aspect in study where i need to used some content off the web as an example in my study and i need to be aware if this content is under creative commons rather that copy right so that i may reproduce it for my educational benefit.
2.An example of things that have creative commons that are embedded in my blog are things from youtube such as Salad Fingers, Evil Ronald McDonald and Twilight Spoof all these videos are from you tube and are under creative commons as not you tube in the copyright terms it states that you can access Content through the video playback pages of the Service itself, and the Embeddable Player, or other explicitly authorized means YouTube may designate.
3. An academic article that discusses creative commons (http://librarycatalogue.griffith.edu.au/search~S1?/X+creative+commons&searchscope=1&SORT=DZ/X+creative+commons&searchscope=1&SORT=DZ&extended=0&SUBKEY=%20creative%20commons/1%2C24%2C24%2CB/frameset&FF=X+creative+commons&searchscope=1&SORT=DZ&8%2C8%2C) is entitled Digital copyright and the consumer revolution : hands off my i Pod / Matthew Rimmer. A summary of the article is that it briefly discusses the copyright term and the public domain, the privateers of the information age, copyright law, digital sampling and mash-ups Remix culture : the creative commons and its discontents.
4. Portable apps, this is a description of it, "Now you can carry your favorite computer programs along with all of your bookmarks, settings, email and more with you. Use them on any Windows computer. All without leaving any personal data behind." (http://portableapps.com/) This is a useful program as it allows you t hide your identity, it is free and it allows you to used any hardware you want.

Week Six Tutespark

Week Six Tutespark
Who owns the content that I put on various social networking sites, I discovered that my user name and display picture is not owned by me and the advice of facbook is that if i don't want to share it, to simply not have one. If I upload anything to facebook for example they have the right to it. I do not own all the content that i upload onto social networking sites.

Week Six Lecture

Week Six Lecture Summary
This week in the lecture we talked about media, new media and social media. We also briefly discussed and revised the history of the internet. We had a new lecturer for this week Adam Muir. I now understand the concept of virtual community, I see it as a online community where people all around the world can communicate via the internet for example on facebook or other social networking sites you can communicate almost instantly. The concept of individual identity also became aware to me, for example a person expresses themselves online and create there own virtual identity, for example on myspace people can customize there own page as they wish to express there individual identity. The Web 2.0 was create in order to let the user experience the internet in a different way and be allowed to comment or 'read, write, web' this give users a freedom to express their personal opinion over the internet. This lecture got me thinking about the content that i post up on facebook and the fact that once i post anything on there it is available for everyone to see and my photos are not owned by me any more. I was never previously aware of this.