Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week two lecture notes 04/08/10

Week two blog
This week the lecture was on film and screen and their techniques such as, the different types of shots and angles. There are many different types of shots very long shot, long shot, medium long shot, mid shot, medium close up, close up, big close up and extreme close up. There are different aspects of a story such as who? What? When? Where? How? and Why? These subjects of a story are explained through certain shots. In creating a story with different types of shots it is crucial to make sure that the shot gives the person the right amount of head room and is positioned to show the person as the center of the shot. It is important to take into account the rule of thirds and the 180 degree rule. The lecture taught me that there are many aspects to consider when creating a film in order for it to look effective and make sense to the audience.

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