Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Week five tutespark

Culture Jaming

The first culture jam was the Dada movement which begain in the 1920's it was a form of street art and other forms of art such as poetry which adressed political issues. It was a new form of protest. This had an impact of starting the main stream graffiti movement.

Most Influential Culture Jam was a protest called reclaim the streets which was a resistance movement that opposed the dominance of corporate globalization in the 1980's.

The most damaging Culture Jam was the may day protests of 1971 where there was large scale civil disobediance against the vietnam war, there was a tolat of 12,000 people arrested and many injured with tear gas and force.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 5

This week we learned about consumption and production, i found out what citizen journalism is and how much of an impact and influence it has on the media. If there was no citizen journalism there would be a lack of fast news. for example on September 11th the footage of the first plane hitting the tower was taken by citizen journalist and without then that footage would not exist as the mass media could not have been there in time to record that footage. Other topics discussed in the lecture was -
  • News and Information
  • Mo-jo
  • Entertainment
  • Fan Films
  • Mash-ups, Re-Genres and Re-cuts
  • Internet Short Film
  • Mobile Content Production
After this lecture I have have now realized how many new communication technologies are involved in consumption and production.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 4 big screen to small screen tutespark 18/08/10

Find some short films (3 please) that were made for internet distibution/viewing.

1. A short film that was made just for internet viewing is 'salad fingers' What i think makes these webisodes good is the quirky strange ideas of the short films. They are popular because they are funny but in a creepy sort of way, ( this is the link to the short film. It is very popular as they sell salad fingers merchandise.

2. A second short film is happy meal which is a horror story about an evil Ronald McDonald. ( It is popular as it is a spoof of such a popular icon.

3. A spoof of the extremely popular twilight films is popular as it is a parody of something so popular. (

Week 4, tute task, 18/08/10

This week in the lecture we discussed the history of film and how film is created for internet.

1.Where and when did usable online video start? 2004

2.In the lecture we heard about technological innovations that were used by the studios to lure audiences. (mostly to combat the popularity of TV)
What recent innovations are being used to lure us in the movies? Advertisement through television, radio, competitions, merchandise, billboards and other advertising. A recent innovation is by exploiting peoples social networking pages such as my space and face book by using spam and advertisement and linking it to one persons page and then passing it on to all of those persons contacts without there permission.
What are they luring us from? They are luring us from television, DVD and internet piracy of films in order to provoke people to go to the cinemas on opening day for box office success.

3.Are short films still being made? Yes they are still being made Why? As a form of art and expression and for the short film festivals. Who pays for them to be made? Most of the short films are independantly funded, or paid for through advertisement or some are given government grants.

4.The term viral is thrown about adhoc but what does it mean in film/movie arena? Give some examples. The term means that it is extremely popular and spread out among the internet community. Some examples of online viral videos are, 'Lazy Sunday' and 'Old Spice' (

5. Online video distribution isn't limited to the short film format. We are now starting to see television styled shows made solely for internet release (webisodes). Find an example of this style of content and discuss how viewing television content in this way can positively and negatively affect the viewer's experience. An example of this is the salad fingers series which is made solely to be watched online. Viewing television content in this way can negatively affect the content as people have to go out of their way to watch this as wait for it to download and can be very time consuming.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week three Lecture and treasure hunt 11/08/10

In this weeks lecture we discussed the history of the computer and the internet and how the computer was created and its progression over the years. This week an exercise is a treasure hunt which we must answer a certain amount of questions without the use of google of wikipedia.

1. The worlds biggest machine is 'the big bang machine' which cost 10 billion dollars to create. (

2. The fastest and easiest way to contact ozzy osborne is - (

Ozzy Osbourne's Manager:

Sharon Osbourne

Sharon Osbourne Management

9292 Civic Center Drive

Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Phone: 310-859-7761

3. What was the first example of global digital communication, was the Global System for Mobile Communications, on the 7th of September 1987. (

4. The cheapest form of transport from the gold coast to Melbourne is by flight for $79 (

5. Hatsune Miku is an amine character and she belongs to the Yamaha corporations company and her birthday is On August 31, 2007. (

6. A live web cam in Antarctica is on this website ( a place to stay in Antarctica is the polar star (

Converted Ice-Breaker for Expedition Cruises in Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctic Peninsula & Weddell Sea, Antarctica

7. The top song on the 1980 pop charts in Australia this week was sailing by Christopher Cross (

8. The definition of nanotechnology is 'The science and technology of devices and materials, such as electronic circuits or drug delivery systems, constructed on extremely small scales, as small as individual atoms and molecules.' In my own words I think that it is a form of science that uses small atoms and molecules. (

9. The camera for google street view is
described as 'The feature provides users 360 degree horizontal and 290 degree vertical panoramic street level views within Google Maps. Google collects these images using special cameras and equipment that capture and match images to a specific location using GPS devices. Once the images are captured, they are "sewn" together to create a 360 degree panorama.' (

10. Translate the questions into Klington
nuq 'oH [the] [weight] vo' [the] [world’s] [biggest] [machine] chay' 'ar ta'ta' 'oH [cost] Daq chen [ nuq 'oH [the] [best] [way] [quickest] HochHom [reliable] Daq [contact] [Ozzy] [Osborne] [
] ghorgh 'ej nuq ghaHta' [the] wa'DIch [example] vo' [global] [digital] [communication] [
nuq 'oH [the] [cheapest] [form] vo' [travel] vo' [the] SuD baS [Coast] Daq [Melbourne] [

Week three tutespark, 11/08/10

Week Three Tutespark

Definitions -
  • Digital - Of, pertaining to, or using digits applied to a computer which operates on data in the form of digits or similar discrete elements. (
  • Analogue - Relating to or operating with signals or information represented by a continuously variable physical quantity, such as voltage, spatial position, etc., which in the case of measuring instruments can be displayed on a dial or other fixed scale. Also: designating a signal represented in this way. (
  • Communication - The transmission or exchange of information, knowledge, or ideas, by means of speech, writing, mechanical or electronic media, etc.; (occas.) an instance of this (
  • Electronic - Using or involving the storage or transmission of information by electronic means; carried out or performed using electronic devices or computers. (
The aim of this tutespark is to provide three examples of digital devices that are not electronic
  • Abacus - (

Morse code - (
  • DNA (-

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Week 2 Tute

Week two tutorial
This week in the tutorial we put our knowledge that we acquired in the lecture into practice by having to create a short story through the use of still images. In doing this activity we had to take into account all the aspects of screen, angles and shots in order to create an effective short story. We were put into a group of four and were given the subject 'The lost keys' we created a story using around 30 still images of someone loosing their keys and ultimately being returned in the end. We used shots such as long, medium, extreme close ups, and mid close ups. The short story was then uploaded to youtube and in doing this we exercised many different techniques of new communication technology. The url for the video that was posted onto youtube could not be found so i was unable to upload it. The lost keys are now officially lost!

Week two lecture notes 04/08/10

Week two blog
This week the lecture was on film and screen and their techniques such as, the different types of shots and angles. There are many different types of shots very long shot, long shot, medium long shot, mid shot, medium close up, close up, big close up and extreme close up. There are different aspects of a story such as who? What? When? Where? How? and Why? These subjects of a story are explained through certain shots. In creating a story with different types of shots it is crucial to make sure that the shot gives the person the right amount of head room and is positioned to show the person as the center of the shot. It is important to take into account the rule of thirds and the 180 degree rule. The lecture taught me that there are many aspects to consider when creating a film in order for it to look effective and make sense to the audience.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tutespark week one 02/08/10

Tutespark - week one
*How do we distinguish between old and new communication technologies? Under what circumstances will new communication technology become old communication technology?

* The way in which i beleive that we distinguish between old and new technologies is that old technologies were once new but now have been surpassed for a newer and more improved technology therefore making the previous technology be defined as old.

*The circumstances that cause new communication technologies to become old can be shown by an example. I use the example of television and radio, these were once new technologies and were beleived that they could not be improved any further.
*These devices have now been improved digitally which makes the traditional television and radio and old technology compared to the new digital revolution. The purposed of these devices are not used now the way that they were originally intended as old technologies, which was, radio was made to communicate directly to others and receive a reply. It is now mostly used for entertainment purposes.
*The television was also just used to broadcast entertainment and news programs. It now has many newer purposes such as it can act as a computer screen acess the internet, watch dvds, pause and record live tv with satelite and also there is a new technology of 3d tv which causes the older versions of tv to be surpased and classed as old.