Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Culture Jam

For our culture jam assessment, me and my group decided to use the big day out event and create the fake rumor that it is going to be canceled. We created a fake person named Alfred Baxter and made him pose as the creator and organizer of the big day out event, he posted some comments on an official big day out page saying that it was canceled and we got a response from the real creators saying that he was an impostor and a joke.

We made a facebook(http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/profile.php?id=100001471098367) and twitter account we also changed the Wikipedia website with information on the big day out and posted on it that the big day out is canceled this year and also made Alfred Baxter as one of the creators of the event. There must have been a big day out official constantly monitoring the page as, as soon as we posted the changes a few minutes later they were changed back to normal and we repeated this process numerous times and our additions to the Wikipedia page were removed again. This is about the only response we got from the official creators and now that the official lineup is out for the big day out and tickets are on sale there is really nothing more that we can do, however we did get some praise from a new face book acquaintance of Alfred Baxtors.

"Zac Carroll Hi Alfred good to meet you.You do a fantastic job of the big day out each year want to thank you for your great work." =)

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